Jury Standards 

● New artist members must be reviewed by the Jury Committee in order to exhibit in the Gallery for any LGAL sanctioned event. Members must be juried separately for the following categories: 3D, Photography, all other 2D works.

● The Student Show is exempted from the jury process.

● Members must keep their membership active in order to maintain their juried privileges.

● All artwork must be original in concept, and compliant with current copyright laws.

○ Copying photographs (including those from magazines, calendars, newspapers, etc.) or artwork originally created by another individual is               prohibited except where permission to copy was granted by the original creator, or reference is copyright/royalty free.

○ Artwork created in the classroom cannot have been worked on by the instructor.

○ Critiqued and instructed work is acceptable if original in concept and personally created.

○ Preformed molds, patterns, kits, and traditional assemblies of commercial products, etc. are not considered acceptable as original work. An originally conceived piece creatively assembled from found objects is acceptable.

● Members wishing to be reviewed for exhibiting privileges should enter their name and phone number in the black Jury Book. They will be notified of the date of the next jury review and the date when their work must be at the Art League.

● A minimum of three pieces executed within the last three years will be required for jurying which will be reviewed by a minimum of three members of the Jury Committee.

● Work is to be submitted framed or mounted and ready for display. Please see suitable framing requirements below.

● 3D – This work must be reviewed and will be considered for originality in concept, design and artistry.

● Insurance - Each artist will sign a release form at the time they are juried in, stating that the La Grange Art League is not liable for damage or loss of artwork during its stay on the League premises. In all cases, technique and artistic approach should be consistent. Artwork should look like it was done by the same artist within a limited period of time (three years). The committee will be looking for good drawing, composition, clean colors and a presentation.

Should an individual not be accepted for exhibition privileges, that member can resubmit new artwork for consideration after six months.

To exhibit in spaces for which LGAL has contracts (banks, restaurants, offices, etc.), juried artists will be invited.

La Grange Art League | Gallery & Studio
122 Calendar Ave - La Grange, IL 60525 - 708-352-3101 -  info@lagrangeartleague.org

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