Mia Gaskey, one of the LGAL's high school entrants won a $250 scholarship at the annual AFA competition for her work, My Beautiful Sister.
It is time for the annual holiday, boutique! Join us for the opening reception that caps off our 85th year - Friday November 2 from 6-9 pm. If you are a vendor please have your merchandise at the gallery by Oct 28th.
We are excited to announce a new member of the La Grange Art League. Jeff Filo creates beautiful metal sculptures. He will be installing one in our courtyard this fall. For more information on Jeff you can visit his website:
Jeffrey Filo Sculpture
La Grange Art League | Gallery & Studio 122 Calendar Ave - La Grange, IL 60525 - 708-352-3101 - info@lagrangeartleague.org